4 layers – 4 cooks, Isosid artificial tooth is made of polymer reinforced with Cross- Linked monomer and a composition of organic fillers. Isosid has a long life against abrasion and tooth cusp has a hard material, so it is resistant to water absorption, discoloration and plaque deposit over time
Product technical specifications:
It has 20 sizes of upper anterior teeth classified in square-oval-triangular anatomy
It has 10 sizes of lower anterior teeth
It has 6 pairs of posterior teeth for three types of cross-bite, overbite and normal bite
It has 5 colors
Variety of sizes and colors, resistant to water absorption and discoloration, with abrasion-resistant fillers
Making complete and based on implants prosthesis
Manufacture of partial dentures and implant-based partial dentures
Complete prosthesis with attachment