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Terradent Dental Impression Materials:

Based on two-stage compression silicon (putty + light body)

Putty and light body are produced from the combination of Siloxane organic resin with fillers with micronized particle size along with stabilizing materials.

To harden the putty and light body, a catalyst with the recommended weight is added to the composition. Catalysts are made from organic materials with Carbon Oxide fillers, accelerators and cross-linked.

Attention: To achieve the desired result, use the complete set of Terradent and avoid combining materials with other brands.

Terradent Dental Impression Materials:

Application :

 Molding of all kind of bridges and all-ceramic crowns, orthodontic models, dental protector during prosthetic flasking.


Technical features of the product:

Record very detailed and precision dimensions


Proper timing for work

 Tear resistant

Higher elastic return

Has a pleasant taste and smell with organic essence (Mint)

Product specifications:

 Putty  : 910 miles

Light body : 140 miles

Catalyst : 60 miles